The matter of fact is ..Heart
More people die because of hearth disease than cancer. That's way some people call it...silent killer. Heart disease can occur anytime, anywhere and anyone. Don't be so proud...because you till young, strong so you won't get heart disease. It's all start and depend from our eating habit and daily activity. Moderate activity like brisk walking, gardening and housework will help you to keep away the heart disease.
Start eating a healthy food like vegetable and fruit.Food that has been baked, broiled or steamed is hearth healthier than fried food. A baked potato has 80 calories, while a packet of fries has over 200 calories.
There is some mix up opinion about cholesterol and fat. Cholesterol is fatty substance that enter the bloodstream from what we eat and from what liver manufactures. to much of it can clog blood vessel making it harder for blood to flow, leading to heart attack. The word Cholesterol came from the Latin word Chole which mean animal and sterol that's mean fat. As logic, if there is fat animal it must be fat from plant. Yes it is. They called it Phytosterol. And fat is a soft greasy substance that can be saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. A diet low in saturated fat is good for health. Substitu saturated fats with mono and polyunsaturated fats for a healthy died.
Crushing chest pains and shortness of breath are classic symptoms of heart attack. Women tend to have less obvious warning sign. If you experience two or more of the following symptoms at the same time, go to the hospital. The symptoms are Intense tightness or pain that radiates to the jaw, neck or back; a sudden dep ache in one or both arms; nausea or indigestion with dizziness that comes and goes; breaking out in sweat for no reason; unexplained or sudden exhaustion or weakness; a sudden erratic pounding of the heart