For the Better or Worst..

Educating children is a tiring job but berbalaoi. But have to be patient and persevering. Should not be too harsh not too soft. Medium….. What is important in the discipline.

Small Children tend to follow past practices and behavior of their parents. Making parents as an example and role model. Outside the genetic factors, younger children will be educated in a way in making the behavior and habits of parents as a concrete example. Therefore the parents in educating children is expected to be one who:
Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha
(Di depan, memberi tauladan) (In the future, giving models)
Ing Madya Mangun Karsa Ing Madya Mangun Karsa
(Ditengah, menyumbangkan ide, prakarsa dan memberi semangat) (Amid, contribute ideas, initiatives and encouraging)
Tut Wuri Handayani Tut Wuri Handayani
(Dari belakang, harus bisa memberikan dorongan dan arahan) (From the back, should be able to give encouragement and direction)

JSo by giving models, enthusiasm, encouragement and direction in the hope of a child develop into individuals who will not only serve parents but also to the nation and religion. Indeed the road towards it is very difficult and full of obstacles. That's why being a parent is not easy. As they say, make him easy, but it is difficult to educate.

So, parents, fix yourself before you stand in front of the giving model and stand behind giving directions. Because the spirit that you donate will not mean anything if nahkodanya not fit.

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