Just another Unlucky Maid..

Satu Lagi TKI yang Tidak Beruntung…...
Indonesian People, don't angry at me because I said that.. but its true. I m so sorry for what happen to her. But can't say anything else except she just unlucky.  Never judge a nation only because of what one or two people did. That's not fair.

There about 1.2 million documented Indonesian workers in Malaysia, as well as about 800,000 Indonesians working illegally here. If there are one or two people who abused ... suppose that as the disadvantaged in comparison with the one million migrant workers who live in peace and disaster free.
We must think fair.  When a TKW negligent and caused the baby in her care death or get hurt till stay in the hospital for days .... Malaysian punish only those concerned but not the whole Indonesian people working here. So We must do the Same thing. Be Fair, wise and logic. There are also Unlucky Employer here. Life is like that. So what?  Not all people born lucky and get what ever they wish for.

There is no civilized country which allowed abuses and crimes happen without doing anything. Will be punished. Belief me ..!

Positive thinking .... in every tragedy there must be wisdom in reverse.
Ada hikmah di balik Musibah.... if you belief!...

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