Sex Education or Moral Educations??
Why..... when people start worry about so many young girl get pregnant out of wedlock they choose sex educations as solutions? Why?
In my opinion what they need is moral education not sex education. Because sex educations is already included in Biology class. I thing that is more than enough.
What these kids have to know is the definition of sex and the risk if they have sex . The posibility to get pregnant and have baby should come as considerations before take any decisions to engage in sexual activity.
I m pretty sure, in every school in this world got Biology class and Moral class. Biology tell about sexual organs, what is sperm, egg, ovarium, foetus etc and the most important is the knowledge if male and female engage in sexual activity they will end up having baby. Isn't that sound more than enough for them? So special sex educations should never come as options to solve this problem. What this kids need to know is more knowledge about moral.
Moral will control their attitude. Moral educations start from home since early. When this young fellow was a kids. And continue while they are schooling. Parent come as model. Environment as example. Religion as shield. Let them know Family honor is a responsible not a burden. Teach the kids with love, about love and how to love not how to make love.
Knowledge shape attitude! That's true! But what kind of knowledge? A litlle knowledge about sex will make them curious. Too much knowledge about sex lead to an experiment. I m sure Sex education only come in teory without practis, so how the 'Sex teacher' will answer if their student as them to give an example?
Perhaps you people, have an answer...please jump in..share some of your view... tq.