Where your traffic came from??
Do you ever wonder where were your visitor came from? SE or a Generic Traffic? There is nothing different actually bcause both also will increase your traffic ...it just about the feeling.
Most generic traffic came from chat box, they are visit regularly as return as what we did. We visit their blog then they will visit you... that the way it's work.
Its also called Blog Walking. We read their articles give coment and repeat it over and over again. Thousand blog created every day. We never run of blog to visit. Just make sure your visit accounted and your blog visible. So fun to do this activity.. a new friend, new knowledge... what more benefit than both?
Its different if the visitor came from search engine. Most of them using search engine to find something their need using keywords. If the keyword matching with some in our blog, the SE will display our blog as suggestions. And the visitor will click on it if they thought our blog meet their querry. Here came the feeling. Big responsible and big questions. Do our blog answer their querry or is the visitor found what they looking for through our blog? are they feel satisfied or turn back with a big disappointment?
Knowing your traffic and where they come from give us ability to know what the visitor need and want. And at the end give us motivations to write more useful content in order not to make them go away with a big disapointment.