Chicken 0h Chicken : Lymphoid Leukosis

Lymphoid Leukosis (LL) is also called visceral lymphomatosis or big liver disease is one of the tumor disease which includes didlam leukosis complex or also called lymphoid sarcoma. Other forms of leukosis complex is erytroblastosis, myelocytomatosis, osteopetrosis, nephroblastoma, fibrosarcoma and others. Of the various kinds of complex lymphoid leukosis leukosis lymphoid leukosis complex is the most commonly found. This disease is an infectious disease with a low transmission rate. Often occur sporadically, especially at 12-16 weeks old chickens.

Viruses cause of lymphoid Leukosis (LL) classified in the genus retroviridae Alpharetrovirus and relatives. Members of this family are RNA viruses that have the enzyme reverse transcriptase dibuutuhkan in the formation of proviral DNA is incorporated into the host genome during viral replication. LL virus has a high lipid content in the envelope. The virus will die when exposed to ethyl ether compound. LL virus inactivated rapidly at high temperature, which is 50 degrees Celsius for 8.5 minutes and 60 degrees Celsius for 0.7 minutes. LL virus will grow well at pH 5-9, the pH is outside the interval LL virus will die.

Symptoms Disease
The incubation period of 4 months, because the disease is rarely found in chickens under 4 months. Symptoms that appear very unclear because only a decrease in appetite. Chicken thin and very weak, enlarged abdomen, dirty feathers because uric acid or bile pigment, wattle and comb through with a bluish pale. Changes in surgical carcass characteristic of the heart becomes so large that the entire abdominal cavity is filled by the liver. Because these changes in liver disease is also called big liver disease.

Another change is a tumor that is found in various organs that is 4 months old that is on the liver, spleen, bursal fabricius, kidney, lung, ovary, heart, bone marrow and mesentery. Large tumors and the number of organs that tersrang highly variable but is most often found in the liver and spleen. If the tumor is microscopically examined it appears that the tumor is composed of a large collection of lymphoid cells. These large cells varied but all of a cell in a primitive stage of growth. Tumors of the lymphoid leukosis is local and multisentrik. Transmission can occur both vertically and horizontally. Horizontal transmission occurs either directly or indirectly, incurred by a sick chicken virus through feces and saliva.

Disease control
The only means of prevention is to buy a chicken that bebaas LL and maintain it in the cage and free environment the virus that causes LL. The vaccine for this disease does not exist.

There is no medicine to cure diseases caused by viruses.

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